HAVOC is here!

The future starts today...

Author: jhlucas (page 4 of 5)

Thanks for the choke, Chuck!

Met one of my literary heroes today: Chuck Palahniuk. He tried to choke me out!


FIGHT CLUB is one of my favorite books. When the trailer for the movie came out, a lot of people dismissed it as gratuitous violence and skipped the movie. Their loss, because it’s not really about a bunch of dudes punching each other, it’s about a young man finding his identity in a culture of relentless consumerism and self-absorbed self-improvement.

“Maybe self-improvement isn’t the answer…
Maybe self-destruction is the answer.”

I was lucky enough to patch things up with my father before his final self-destruction. FIGHT CLUB was a part of coming to terms with that. Today I got to thank Chuck in person for his contribution to that life event for me. And I asked him to inscribe my old and dog-eared copy to my son…


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure… and definitely worth more than a 20-year grudge. If you’re lucky enough to have a father still breathing, call him now. Do whatever you have to do to bury the hatchet. Don’t let it bury you.

And, oh yeah… check out Chuck’s new comic series, FIGHT CLUB 2!


Where the hell did THAT come from?

Someone asked me where I got the idea for A HERO IS ALWAYS ALONE SOMETIMES. And, yeah, it’s kinda weird…

We recently bought a vintage audio console. You know, the kind with a record player and radio and tube amp built in? One of those big ol’ suckers you might’ve seen in your grandparent’s house? It looks like this:


So I went out and bought a few records, some new ones, some old ones that took me back. One of the oldies was this piece of post-punk Brit-pop:



I put it on and danced around the living room like some outcast from the Breakfast Club. After trying to explain the 80’s to our four-year-old (who responded by throwing a plastic dinosaur at my head) I flipped it over to the B-side and lowered the needle onto “My Time”…

You can have anything you can hold in your hand
And a hero is always alone

…and I thought, but what if someone wanted to be that hero’s sidekick? Then, naturally, but what if that hero didn’t want a sidekick? Followed by, what if that sidekick didn’t care?

Add a renegade wife, a dysfunctional support group, and a flatulent dog, and there you have it: A HERO IS ALWAYS ALONE SOMETIMES.

PS: for proof that the 80s were both awesome and terrifying, witness the big hair and sunglasses known as The Psychedelic Furs!

“My marriage counselor says I should grow some balls.”

That’s the opening line from my new novelette, available right HERE right NOW for less than a buck!


A HERO IS ALWAYS ALONE SOMETIMES is a foul-mouthed novelette about a chronic underachiever turned superhero…

After his wife dumps him for a mustachioed car salesman, Solomon is left with nothing but a broken heart and a flatulent dog. So he decides to win her back by proving himself… as the sidekick of the suave superhero UltraGuy! But when UltraGuy shuns him at the local supermarket, Solomon is forced to choose between giving up the woman of his dreams or going it alone against a batshit-crazy criminal mastermind.

Who the hell is Jonny Effing Lucas, you ask? I just thought it would be fun to fuck with my name. As a warning to potentially sensitive readers. People who can’t take it. Not you, you’re a bad-ass. I’ve seen you do some shit that, quite frankly, I’m surprised you survived. This story is for superheroes like you, so check it out..

My little brother & I took a photo of an alien!

Actually, it was an Unidentified Flying Object. And this story is 100% true—since we were never able to identify that flying object. But we saw it: a UFO. And it freaked us out.

It was the summer of ’76. We were living in a ranch-style home in Durham, NC. My bedroom had wallpaper with a brown nautical theme—old drawings of sailing ships, a compass, a steering wheel, a telescope, repeat, repeat, repeat… The kind of wallpaper designed for kids who loved Robinson Crusoe and pirates. We were not those kids. We loved spaceships.

Star Wars wasn’t out yet but we loved Star Trek and the Twilight Zone and any goofy space-themed comics we could get our grubby hands on. I even drew my own comic, “Defenders of the Universe,” which featured the thrilling space adventures of Captain Argo as he fought his nemesis, Mr. Vendezvous. You know, to save the galaxy.

Anyway, we were in my room one night, discussing just how many lizard-people with just how many giant styrofoam rocks it would take to actually kill Captain Kirk, when we saw a strange glow out the window. Up in the sky was a cluster of lights. We thought it might be a helicopter. But it darted quickly left and then right again, too fast for a helicopter.

“A spaceship!” I shouted as I reached for my camera on top of my messy dresser. A Kodak Ektralight 10, which I kept loaded and wound for action. Because if anything interesting ever happened in Durham, NC, I didn’t want to miss it.

This was it! I grabbed my trusty camera off the dresser but the strap caught on a Loony Tunes glass. I yanked it free, spraying Kool-Aid through the air, the glass crashing against the Lego fortress-in-progress on the floor. I aimed my camera out the window and pressed the button. The flash went off, reflecting off the window, nearly blinding us. But we saw that UFO take off like a shot, over the lake and across the horizon, out of sight. It had seen us!

I spent my whole allowance getting the film developed at the mall. I told them of the importance of what was on that roll of film. “Do your best,” I told the teenager behind the desk. “One of those pictures is going to change the world—no, the UNIVERSE!”

A week later I got my pictures back. Flipped past the poignant shots of our dog Scooter sleeping in the kitchen. Past the shots of the spider we dropped into a bottle of moonshine we found in the woods. Past the rather artistic shot my brother accidentally took of his right foot. And found The Picture That Would Change The Universe!

But it was just picture of my window, lit up from inside by the flash, two hopeful boys staring out through their reflection at a limitless universe.

License to write sh*t, courtesy of Ernest Hemingway!

If you read, chances are at some point in your life you’ve wanted to write. Maybe the memoirs of your cat (please don’t) or a vampire romance (god no) or something tasteful, like the romantic memoirs of your vampire cat (now we’re talking!).

Maybe you started writing it. Maybe even got to page two. Or maybe it’s done and you’ve published it and Hollywood has optioned it with Scarlett Johansson to play your sexy vampire cat and Liam Neeson’s people called and he wants the leading man role but only if he can punch the cat and…

Oddly enough, writing is the easy part, it’s the reading it back that kills. Because when you read it, it sucks. So you give up and throw it away and probably blame your not-really-a-vampire cat. But not so fast…

Hemingway said, “All first drafts are shit.” He should know, he wrote gobs of books, most of them pretty damn good. And they all started as shitty first drafts. So go ahead, give yourself license to write shit. In fact, here’s a license for you to download:


Right-click & download image

Just print it out, fill in your info and sign it. And from now on, anytime you write something and say “this is shit,” you’ll know you have Hemingway’s blessing.

CITADEL flash fiction!

“I’m only writing this in case something happens to me and some sad fuck finds my body. And if that sad fuck is you, there’s something important I need you to do for me…”

Unicorn’s birthday

It was the cutest morning ever in Cheery Valley. Butterfly, Bunny and Kitten were cuddled together under the rainbow for Unicorn’s first birthday party.

“I hope she’s surprised,” said Butterfly.
“It’s going to be her best birthday ever,” said Bunny.
“Balls,” said Kitten, for Kitten had Tourette’s.

Even considering Kitten’s condition, they knew it was going to be a lovely party under the rainbow. They each had brought something special.

“I brought a pretty piece of ribbon for her to tie on her tail,” said Butterfly.
“I brought ice cream,” said Bunny, “and homemade sprinkles!”
“Nigga, please,” said Kitten.
“Kitten!” the others shouted, and blew him kisses to make him feel better.

Kitten was responsible for bringing the present. It was a small box, for he could only manage small things, being a kitten. He had wrapped it himself with pages from a magazine he swiped from a corner store. There were Ladyhumans all over it, with their furry parts showing.

“I wonder where their clothes are,” Butterfly said.
“Look, the Manhuman is trying to poke them with his magic wand,” said Bunny.
Kitten tried to say something but he just coughed, for he was working up a hairball.

Then they heard it: the jingly, tingly sound of Unicorn prancing their way. They ducked under the rainbow. They knew Unicorn would be coming by. She always ran to the rainbow every morning to pee.

“Surprise!” shouted Butterfly.
“Happy birthday!” shouted Bunny.
“Ack!” shouted Kitten, depositing a shiny, wet hairball at Unicorn’s feet.

“For me?” said Unicorn. She was delighted. But she also had to pee. She squatted daintily and puffed out a mist of sparkles.

“I got a ribbon for your tail,” said Butterfly.
“Thank you,” said Unicorn, “but let’s wait ’til after I poop to put it on.”
“And we have ice cream!” Bunny said.
“Bitch shat you some sprinkles,” Kitten said.
“Kitten!” they all shouted, and laughed, for it was the cutest morning ever in Cheery Valley.

In a while the screaming would begin, as the Dragons appeared overhead, burning everyone alive in the hunt for a tasty breakfast. But until then, the four friends sat under the rainbow, enjoying their ice cream. Even the sprinkles.

Fuck that dentist.

It was hard to decide where I was going to put his head. Maybe over the pool table? On top of the Ms. Pac Man game? I’ve never been much of an interior decorator. This was my man-cave, and I didn’t want to fuck it up. A human head doesn’t exactly “go” with anything, you know?

But wherever I mounted it, the highlight of that room was going to be that fucking dentist’s head.

That fucking dentist had gone to Zimbabwe on a hunting expedition and killed a lion. But being a fucking dickless son of a bitch, as all big game hunters are, he didn’t face the lion on fair terms. Didn’t fight the lion to the death, like an honorable predator. No, that fucking dickless dentist took a big piece of bloody meat and lured the lion out of its protected habitat. Then he shot the lion with an arrow and waited all night until the thing nearly bled out. Then the dentist went in for the kill.

And that lion? That lion was Cecil. Nicest lion you ever met. Everybody at the park knew him. He actually liked people. He was friendly. Even to dentists.

Did having that lion’s head on his wall make the dentist’s dick any bigger? I doubt it. So I decided that before I cut the dentist’s head off, I’d use a pair of garden snips to clip off his tiny dick and show it to him. Just so he could see how small and limp and useless his life was. Then I’d show him the chainsaw.

I had never been big game hunting before. But I knew how I was gonna do it. I was gonna bait that fucking dentist, just like he baited the lion. And when he came out of his safe little habitat, I was going to kill him. Slowly. Painfully. Right here in my man-cave. And when the shitheel finally died, I was gonna put his fucking head on my fucking wall.

The first thing was to bait him. You know how asshole racists like that pizza guy get shut down and then whine about it and suddenly they get a bajillion dollars from other asshole racists on Kickstarter? Well, I started a Kickstarter for the asshole dentist. But first I tracked down his sister’s email address—it wasn’t hard in the age of Internet—and sent a message.

“I bet Walter could use some good news right about now, please give this to him… Hey Walter, don’t let those fucking pussies get you down. Real men like us, we do what real men do. We hunt! I’m putting up a Kickstarter and we’re going hunting, buddy!”

Then I signed it, Charlton Nugent. In a world of asshole overload, it was the best fucking name ever.

Within 24 hours the Kickstarter—set for $100,000—was fully funded. The gist of it was pretty much the same as my email to him: real men pony up for a hunting trip with a hero. The top reward was a spot on the trip. It cost $20,000. I only set up for three of those, they sold out in an hour. I didn’t really need four heads but the more the merrier. I could just feed their heads to the alligators at the zoo.

Cash in hand, I reached out to Walter again. “I got the money, man! We’re going hunting!” I set the date for the next weekend. I figured, what with his practice shut down and his online accounts fucked to hell, he wasn’t busy much these days. I lined the walls of the man-cave with plastic, just like that Dexter guy. Then I oiled up the chainsaw and waited…

Part Two…

The fucking dentist got right back to me. “Thanks for your support,” he texted. “Would love to get out of town, for obvious reasons, ha ha. A hunting trip sounds killer, ha ha.”

You have no fucking idea, I thought. Ha fucking ha.

I told him to meet me Friday at the Lions Tap burger joint. Seemed an appropriate name. Plus it wasn’t far for the three out-of-towners who would be flying in to Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport. I wouldn’t be flying, though. I’d be driving. I rented a minivan just for the occasion. Brown with a brown interior. I didn’t want it to show if any of the fuckers figured out what was going on and shat himself out of fear.

The drive to Minneapolis would take me about a day and a half. So I told them all that we’d meet at the Lions Tap in two days, which was Friday. Noon sharp. We’d have lunch and a few beers then head out. We’d be hunting buffalo on the outskirts of Ted Turner’s Bad River Ranch in South Dakota, about six hours away. I’d drive.

I got a buttload of speed from a trucker I knew. He also loaned me his “piss kit” — a funnel and a long hose that I could snake out the back door, so I could piss without stopping. I had a bag full of protein bars and two gallons of water. The only reason I’d need to stop is to refuel. I put on my hunter’s cap and hit the road. The speed was grade-A, top-shelf crank. I made the trip in just 24 hours flat.

Early was good. The trucker’s speed was still going strong so I stopped by an auto supply place and picked up a couple things: four rolls of window-tint film and a respirator. I blacked out all the windows in the parking lot. Then I went to the restaurant and rigged the piss kit hose to the tailpipe. Put the respirator under the driver’s seat. By the time we got out of town, they’d all be knocked out.

A couple hours later they showed up. They weren’t bad guys, really, as assholes go. Pretty run-of-the-mill. We had some beers and burgers and they made racist jokes abut Obama. I ordered a dozen burgers to go, “as bait for the buffalo.” The assholes didn’t know any better. We went out to the van.

The dentist thought it was a little weird that the windows were so dark but I asked him, did he really want to be seen if the whole buffalo thing went wrong? He laughed and said hell no. I started the engine and we were off.

One of the other assholes passed around a flask and I asked the dentist if he brought any laughing gas. He laughed and said no. I pulled my respirator mask from under the seat.

“Just in case you try to roofie me,” I joked, and they all laughed.

Especially the dentist. Big, deep laughs. Followed by more racist Obama jokes and more laughter. By the time the flask was empty, they were all asleep. I took another hit of crank and stepped on it. And in four hours flat, we were right outside the Bad River Ranch.

I found a secluded spot and pulled over. Left the motor running. There was nobody for miles, just a herd of buffalo roaming the prairie. Beautiful creatures, the buffalo. To think this whole continent was covered with them, millions of them, before America’s first trophy hunters hunted them nearly to extinction. Time for a little payback.

A buffalo won’t eat a human. Buffaloes are vegetarian, they eat grass. But one thing I learned in my online research: where there’s buffalo, there’s wolves. And wolves have no problem eating people.

I looked around and, sure enough, a pack of wolves was not far off. Watching the buffalo, too. Licking their wolfy chops.

I dragged the three other guys out of the minivan. They were still out cold. I stuffed their pockets full of hamburgers. Then I picked up a rock and banged on the hub cap.

“Come and get it!” I shouted to the wolves.

They were closing in as I got back in the car and drove away. By morning, those guys would be nothing but scattered bones. And I would be back at my man-cave with my prize…

And now, the thrilling conclusion…

The dentist woke up duct-taped to my Barcolounger. He was not happy.

“What the fuck?” he shouted.

He immediately regretted shouting. His head was practically splitting open from the headache of 20 hours of on-again, off-again gassing. The exhaust had nearly killed him. Which would have been a shame. I had other plans.

“Good morning, asshole,” I said. “Welcome to the last day of your life.”

I’m glad the Barcolounger was brown because he shat it right then and there. And let me tell you, the stench of that burger that had been churning away in his gut was enough to peel the paint from the walls. I put the respirator back on.

“Oh god, I’m going to throw up,” he said. And did.

Over his retching I could hear the neighbors start blaring their music, the Mariachi station with the DJs that yell at you in Spanish. I held up the garden snips, snipped them in time with the music. That got his attention.

“What—what do you want?” he stuttered.

“I want you to be sorry,” I said.

“I’m sorry!” he shouted, crying.

“I need to know what you’re sorry for,” I said.

He looked around, his eyes wide with panic. The room was wrapped in plastic. You could see the fear give his reasoning a full-on bitch-slap. Why was he here, what had he done? He scrambled for an answer.

“Uh, the tooth thing?” he ventured.

“What tooth thing?” I asked.

“You’re the guy who’s wife complained, the one who got hurt,” he said. “Aren’t you?”

“It wasn’t my wife,” I said. “It was Cecil.”

“Cecil? I don’t know any—”

Then it hit. He finally got it. Cecil, the lion.

“Listen, I didn’t know it was a friendly lion!”

“Did you care?”

“Of course I care! I’m a dentist!”

I have to admit, he had me perplexed. Did dentistry have anything to do with hunting big game? Was it just something dentists did? Fuck it, I used the snips to cut his pants open to the waist. He cried the whole time.

“Please! Please! Look, I hired professionals! I had a guide! All I wanted was the head, I didn’t know the thing was in a park!”

“But you knew something was up, right?” I asked. “When you stopped. And put out your bait.”

“The bait was their idea!”

“But you didn’t say no, did you? And when Cecil showed up, you were fine with shooting him.”

“But I didn’t use a gun! I used a crossbow!”

“Who the fuck cares? You saw this beautiful creature, and you shot him. Then you left him out there, bleeding, for a whole day, waiting to die. Then you came back and killed him. And cut off his head for your trophy room.”

“It wasn’t my fault!”

“But you said it yourself: it was your guide, your money.”

“I paid them to take me hunting! I didn’t know! You can’t just kill me, like an animal!”

“Ha!” I said. “That’s exactly what you should be sorry for!”

I tried to explain to him how his attitude—that Man was above the animals and could do whatever he damn well pleased—was what lead the buffalo to near extinction. I tried to describe the bold and mighty buffalo that were probably grazing the wheat grass around his friends’ bones at that very moment. It was beautiful, the irony.

But he just kept blubbering empty apologies, begging for his life. It was really annoying. I put a piece of duct tape over his mouth so he’d stop yammering and think about it. But it got me to thinking, too. He was right: I couldn’t just kill him. He was defenseless. Killing a defenseless animal was the kind of thing assholes like him did. Not me.

“Tell you what,” I said, pulling the tape off his mouth, “I’ll make you a deal.”

“Anything,” he whined.

“I’ll cut you loose, give you a head start. I’ll open the door and you can run into the back yard. If you can get over the fence before I cut your nuts off with these clippers, you’re free to go. My neighbor will probably even give you a cold cerveza.”

“You can’t do this!”

“It’s more of a chance than you gave poor Cecil.”

“But what if I don’t get over the fence in time?”

“Well, after I cut your nuts off, I’ll drag you back here, lock you in, and let you bleed out. And just before you’re dead, I’m going to put a mirror in front of you. So you can watch as I cut off your head with a chainsaw.”

Now he was pissing and shitting all over the place. It was disgusting. I cut the tape from his ankles and wrists and opened the door. He looked at me like a deer in the headlights.

“Well, go,” I said, and snipped the snips.

He ran out like a shot. But he wasn’t watching where he was going, and he tripped over a ceramic planter and did a face-plant into the concrete steps. Then he sort of convulsed around a bit. He was suffering. I wanted him to suffer, but what was the point? Assholes like that, they just don’t get it. So I picked up the planter.

“I’d ask you to say ‘hi’ to Cecil for me, in heaven,” I said, “but I have a feeling your kind goes to a different place.”

And I squashed his head like an over-ripe melon. No trophy for me.

It was just as well, really. The whole cutting-off-his-head thing was going to be pretty gross. And would I really want a head on the wall, looking at me forever, reminding me of what a gutless asshat I was for killing a defenseless creature?

I dug a hole in the garden and dragged him into it. It was better than poor Cecil got. Better than his murderer deserved. But at least it was one less shitbird sucking air. I got the dirt filled in just as my neighbor leaned his head over the fence.

“Hola, amigo,” he said. “You working too hard. Want a beer?”

And just like that, I was sipping a cold beer, standing over the fresh grave of a supreme dickhead whose passing made the world just a little bit brighter. I thought I should say something nice, like they do at funerals. Just because.

But then I remembered I had to return the minivan. On the way I would get a wheat grass juice. I figured, if it’s good enough for the buffalo, it’s good enough for me.

“The People’s Pervert”

That’s what the Pulitzer Prize-winning news source The Guardian calls John Waters. And I tell you what, he fits the bill. A filthy, charming old weasel of a man. Completely irreverent. Fresh out of fucks to give about what the public thinks is tasteful.

I had the pleasure of hearing him read at his signing event for Carsick, forty sassy sagas about what the 66-year-old “homo-hobo” hoped / feared / experienced on his hitchhike from way-out Baltimore to this here San Francisco.

“I’d like to praise the drivers who picked me up. If I ever hear another elitist jerk use the term flyover people, I’ll punch him in the mouth. My riders were brave and open-minded, and their down-to-earth kindness gave me new faith in how decent Americans can be.” –John Waters

I won’t tell the story he read because, quite frankly, it was one of those “you had to be there” moments that left the audience alternately laughing and gagging. Let’s just say there was a vegan nazi who literally scared the shit out of him. Get the book, you’ll see what I mean.

During the Q&A someone asked him what’s the weirdest signing he’s had to do. He said he’s signed a vasectomy scar, but never an ass scar. So, of course, this had to happen:


Love him or loathe him, you gotta admit: the world needs freaks. Roll on, Waters.

Free ticket to John Waters!


Yep, got 1 free ticket for a lucky winner, just subscribe to my blog to enter!

He’ll be reading from Carsick and you’ll get a free book for him to sign!

John Waters Town Hall
Green Apple Books on the Park
1231 9th Ave at Lincoln in SF
Wednesday, May 20, 7:30-10:00 PM

About the book…

His “hobo-homo journey” presents a long string of best- and worst-case scenarios for the trip he’s planning to take.

OK, let’s see best-case…

In one of his best-case scenarios, he’s picked up while hitchhiking by Johnny Davenport, his favorite porn film star. In another, he joins a hipster carnival that features a “Meat Wheel, where you spin and, if you’re lucky, win a pork butt.” In yet another, he has sex with an alien and winds up with a magic rectum, and his rectum sings a duet with Connie Francis.

Click here to subscribe for a chance to win! BRAAAAWWWK!

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